Мир на колёсах
«Мир на колёсах» (англ. Wheelworld) — фантастический роман Гарри Гаррисона 1981 года, второй в трилогии «К звёздам» (To the Stars).
правитьПлоский бугор шишковатой серой плоти весил, наверно, не меньше шести тонн. На его поверхности не было заметно никаких отверстий, никаких органов, хотя, внимательно присмотревшись, можно было обнаружить, что в каждом желваке толстой шкуры прячется кремневое оконце, прекрасно приспособленное для поглощения небесной радиации. Растительные клетки, расположенные под прозрачной пленкой, превращали энергию радиации в сахар. Медленно, вяло, за счет осмотического перемещения из клетки в клетку, сахар проникал в нижнюю часть тела, где превращался в спирт и накапливался в вакуолях. В то же время в нижней части странного создания происходили другие химические процессы. | |
The flattened mound of creased gray flesh must have weighed at least six tonnes. There appeared to be no openings or organs in its upper surface, although close examination would have revealed that each of the nodules in the thick skin contained a silicon window that was perfectly adapted to absorb radiation from the sky. Plant cells beneath the transparent areas, part of the intricate symbiotic relationships of the lumper, transformed the energy into sugar. Slowly, sluggishly, by osmotic movement between cells, the sugar migrated to the lower portion of the creature, where it was transformed into alcohol and stored in vacuoles until needed. A number of other chemical processes were also taking place on this lower surface at the same time. The lumper was draped over a particularly rich outcropping of copper salts. Specialized cells had secreted acid to dissolve the salts, which had then been absorbed. This process had been going on for a measureless time, for the beast had no brain recognizable as such, or any organs to measure time with. It existed. lt was here, eating, cropping the minerals as a cow would grass. Until, as in a grazed field, the available supply of food was gone. The time had come to move on. When the supply of nourishment fell away, chemoreceptors passed on their messages and the thousands of leg muscles in the lumper's ridged lower surface began to retract. Fueled now by the carefully stored alcohol, the muscles were actuated in a single, orgasmic spasm that sent the six tonnes of thick, carpetlike hulk hurtling over thirty meters through the air. |
— Возьмите лопаты и приподнимите край этой твари, только не касайтесь его снизу, а то его кислота может продырявить насквозь. | |
"Get shovels and help me lift the edge of this thing. Don't touch it underneath though. It drips acid that will eat a hole in you." With an effort a flap was lifted and Jan bent to look under. The flesh was white and hard, wet with acid. He found one of the many jumping legs, the size and roughly the same shape as a human leg. It was folded into a socket in the flesh and it pulled back when he dragged on it. But it could not resist a continuous tension and he drew it out far enough to see the direction of bend of the stocky knee. When he released it it slowly returned to position. |
Следуя указаниям Яна, пилот выбрал слабину троса и включил лебёдку. Крючья вонзились глубже, по телу буграча волнами прокатилась дрожь. Это был опасный момент: если бы буграч сейчас прыгнул — он мог бы повредить вертолёт. Но край приподнялся, потом ещё и ещё, и наконец белое влажное брюхо повисло в двух метрах над землёй. Ян хлопнул в ладоши, и Летающий Кран медленно двинулся в сторону, немного протащил за собой животное и снова опустил на землю, словно перевернул одеяло с одной стороны на другую. Буграч оказался на спине, вверх огромным, белым, влажно блестевшим брюхом. | |
Following his directions, the pilot put tension on the cable, then began carefully to reel it in. The hooks sank deep and the lumper began to shiver with a rippling motion. This was the bad time. If it jumped now it could wre the copter. But the edge came up, higher and higher, until the moist white underside was two meters in thc air. Jan chopped with his hand and the Big Hook moved slowly away, towing the edge of the creature behind it level with the ground. It was like taking a blanket by the edge and turning it back. Smoothly and easily the lumper rolled until it was lying on its back on the ground, its underside a great expanse of glistening white flesh. |
Эльжбета сидела в штурманском кресле, а Отакар стоял у неё за спиной и кивал, счастливо улыбаясь. Совсем рядом с ними сидела грузная седая женщина и что-то вязала со зловеще свирепым лицом. Дочь самой Градиль, цепная собака на страже девственности… — глава 7 | |
Alzbeta sat in the co-driver's seat, with Otakar standing behind her nodding his head happily. Not two feet away sat a pudgy, gray-haired woman, knitting with grim ferocity. The Hradil's own daughter, watchdog and guardian of virgins. |
— Закон… | |
"There is the law. |
правитьГ. Швейник, 1994 («На колесах»)