Перелётный кабак: различия между версиями

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Строка 283:
{{Q|Цитата = На лугу, перед неподвижным строем, встретились один на один, как в древнем эпосе, Патрик и старый человек со шрамом, не похожий на европейца. Человек этот ранил в лоб капитана, отомстив за свой шрам, и нанес ему много ран, но в конце концов упал. Упал он ничком; и Дэлрой смотрел на него не только с жалостью. Кровь текла по руке и по лицу ирландца, но он салютовал шпагой. Тогда человек, казалось бы — мертвый, с трудом поднял голову. Установив чутьем страны света, Оман-паша повернулся налево и умер лицом к Мекке.|Комментарий = |Автор = |Оригинал = Then she saw that Ivywood, for all his uniform, was not the Commander of these forces, for an old man, with a great scar on his face, which was not a European face, set himself in the front of the battle, as if it had been a battle in the old epics, and crossed swords with Patrick Dalroy. He had come to return the scar upon his forehead; and he returned it with many wounds, though at last it was he who sank under the sword thrust. He fell on his face; and Dalroy looked at him with something that is much more great than pity. Blood was flowing from Patrick's wrist and forehead, but he made a salute with his sword. As he was doing so, the corpse, as it appeared, laboriously lifted a face, with feeble eyelids. And, seeming to understand the quarters of the sky by instinct, Oman Pasha dragged himself a foot or so to the left; and fell with his face toward Mecca.}}
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