Чудный рассвет (Дозуа)
«Чудный рассвет» (англ. A Special Kind of Morning) — повесть-антиутопия Гарднера Дозуа 1971 года.
правитьМашина Судного дня — это человеческая раса. — эпиграф | |
The Doomsday Machine is the human race. | |
— граффити в метро Нью-Йорка |
Когда ты ждёшь смерти и лежишь на земле, любя жизнь, ты, может быть, впервые замечаешь, как прекрасен мир… Лежишь, слушая приближающийся топот копыт коня князя тьмы, чувствуешь, как подковы безжалостно высекают искры с поверхности мозга, и знаешь, что ещё миг — и смерть сойдёт с небес, и невозможно остановить её разящий удар — это ожидание самое долгое и тяжёлое. Минуты растягиваются в часы, часы невообразимого ужаса. Попробуй представить себе все ужасы, суммируй их чешуйчатые, покрытые коростой, морды... | |
When the thing you're waiting for is probable death, and you're lying there loving life and suddenly noticing how pretty everything is and listening to the flint hooves of darkness click closer, feeling the iron-shod boots strike relentless sparks from the surface of your mind, knowing that death is about to fall out of the sky and that there's no way to twist out from under—then, waiting can take time. Minutes become hours, hours become unthinkable horrors. Add enough horrors together, total the scaly snouts,.. |
Доминиканская Дакота неожиданно превратилась в невообразимое, семидесятимильное поле безумия. Сверху это поле накрывали зонты кипящего радиоактивного пепла, который, кружась, взмывал в стратосферу, а затем опадал на землю. Ночью на затянутом тучами небе играли огненным светом зловещие зарницы — отблески кипевшего, раскалённого шлака. | |
D'kotta-on-the-Blackfriars was a seventy-mile swath of smoking insanity, capped by boiling umbrellas of smoke that eddied ashes from the ground to the stratosphere and back. At night it pulsed with molten scum, ugly as a lanced blister, lighting up the cloud cover across the entire horizon, visible for hundreds of miles. |
Видел ли ты когда-нибудь море, всклокоченное сильным ветром? Ветер пенит море, взбивает воду в белую пену, пока она не превратится в океан клокочущего кружева, без малейших следов голубизны. Если ты это видел, то поймешь, как выглядела земля под Дакотой. Предгорья шевелились. У Квесторов там находился генератор гравитации, и под его воздействием земля волновалась, подобно воде. Грунт трескался, словно яичная скорлупа. Одни участки вздувались новыми горами, на других появились каньоны… | |
Did y'ever watch the sea lashed by high winds? The storm boils the water into froth, whips it white, until it becomes an ocean of ragged lace to the horizon, whirlpools of milk, not a fleck of blue left alive. The land looked like this at D'kotta. The hills moved. The Quaestors had a discontinuity projector there, and under its lash the ground stirred like sluggish batter under a baker's spoon; stirred, shuddered, groaned, cracked, broke: acres heaved themselves into new mountains, other acres collapsed into canyons. |
Неожиданно всё изменилось: покрытые радиоактивными осадками участки посветлели и покрылись голубоватым туманом. Затем всё вокруг замигало — словно ты смотришь фильм, а лампа в кинопроекторе замыкает… | |
Everything began to flicker, random swatches of savannahland shimmering and blurring, phasing in and out of focus in a jerky, mismatched manner: that filmstrip run through a spastic projector. At first we thought it must be heat eddies caused by the fires, but then the flickering increased drastically in frequency and tempo, speeding up until it was impossible to keep anything in focus even for a second, turning the wide veldt into a mad kaleidoscope of writhing, interchanging shapes and color-patterns from one horizon to the other. It was impossible to watch it for long. It hurt the eyes and filled us with an oily, inexplicable panic that we were never able to verbalize. We looked away, filled with the musty surgings of vague fear. |
Мои шаги вызвали некоторую реакцию у нулевика. Оно поднялось, шатаясь из стороны в сторону. Его руки бесцельно болтались… Оно повернулось ко мне, и тогда я смог как следует рассмотреть его. Оно было выше меня, но очень тощим и едва ли весило больше ста фунтов. Голова абсолютно лысая, точнее, безволосая. Волосы нулевикам были абсолютно не нужны. Кисти рук очень толстые, с неразвитыми пальцами. Зато большие пальцы ног отличались своей длиной и подвижностью, они позволяли этому существу свободно перемещаться по секциям Мозга. Ступни его ног, мягкие, покрытые нежной кожей, превратились в кровавое месиво… Hoc бесформенный кусок розоватого мяса вокруг единственной ноздри. Почти полное отсутствие ушей, так, маленькие загогулинки. Зато глаза — огромные, с чёрными зрачками, похожие на глаза ночных пауков. Они прекрасно видели в вечном сумраке помещений Мозга. | |
My footsteps triggered some response in the null. It surged drunkenly to its feet, arms swinging limply, and turned to face me. The null was slightly taller than me, built very slender, and couldn't have weighed too much more than a hundred pounds. It was bald, completely hairless. The fingers were shriveled, limp flesh dangling from the club of the hand; they had never been used. The toes had been developed to enable technicians to walk nulls from one section of the Cerebrum to another, but the feet had never had a chance to toughen or grow callused: they were a mass of blood and lacerations. The nose was a rough blob of pink meat around the nostrils, the ears similarly atrophied. The eyes were enormous, huge milky corneas and small pupils, like those of a nocturnal bird; adapted to the gloom of the Cerebrum, and allowed to function to forestall sensory deprivation; they aren't cut into the psychocybernetic current like the synapses or the ganglions. There were small messy wounds on the temples, wrists, and spine-base where electrodes had been torn loose. It had been shrouded in a pajamalike suit of nonconductive material, but that had been torn almost completely away, only a few hanging tatters remaining. There were no sex organs. The flesh under the rib cage was curiously collapsed; no stomach or digestive tract. |
Я родился в семье неклонированного инструктора, и все могло сложиться иначе, если бы отец не взял в банке крупный кредит… Ему не повезло, и он был объявлен банкротом. | |
I had been the son of an uncloned junior executive who'd run up an enormous credit debit, gone bankrupt, and been forced into insolvency. The Combine had cut a clone from him so that their man-hours would make up the bank discrepancy, burned out the higher levels of his brain, and put him in one of the nonsentient penal Controlled Environments. His wife was also cloned, but avoided brainscrub and went back to work in a lower capacity in Admin. I, as a baby, then became a ward of the State, and was sent to one of the institutional Environments. Imagine an endless series of low noises, repeating over and over again forever, no high or low spots, everything level: MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Like that. That's the only way to describe the years in the Environments. We were fed, we were kept warm, we worked on conveyor belts piecing together miniaturized equipment, we were put to sleep electronically, we woke with our fingers already busy in the monotonous, rhythmical motions that we couldn't remember learning, motions we had repeated a million times a day since infancy. Once a day we were fed a bar of food-concentrates and vitamins. Occasionally, at carefully calculated intervals, we would be exercised to keep up muscle tone. After reaching puberty, we were occasionally masturbated by electric stimulation, the seed saved for sperm banks. The administrators of the Environment were not cruel; we almost never saw them. Punishment was by machine shocks; never severe, very rarely needed. The executives had no need to be cruel. All they needed was MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. We had been taught at some early stage, probably by shock and stimulation, to put the proper part in the proper slot as the blocks of equipment passed in front of us. We had never been taught to talk, although an extremely limited language of several mood-sounds had independently developed among us; the executives never spoke on the rare intervals when they came to check the machinery that regulated us. We had never been told who we were, where we were; we had never been told anything. We didn't care about any of these things, the concepts had never formed in our minds, we were only semiconscious at best anyway. There was nothing but MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. The executives weren't concerned with our spiritual development; there was no graduation from the Environment, there was no place else for us to go in a rigidly stratified society. The Combine had discharged its obligation by keeping us alive, in a place where we could even be minimally useful. Though our jobs were sinecures and could have been more efficiently performed by computer, they gave the expense of our survival a socially justifiable excuse, they put us comfortably in a pigeonhole. We were there for life. We would grow up from infancy, grow old, and die, bathed in MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. |
Приподнявшись на локте, я поднял нож и на секунду замешкался, ища на шее нулевика точку, после удара в которую смерть приходит мгновенно… Если мне надо его (это) убить, то надо убить его (это!) сейчас. И тут же возникла мысль: Дакота — кадет — Мэйсон — нулевик. Понятно, «это» и «он» ещё мешались в моем сознании… Затем вдруг я — твёрдо решил: «он». Нож упал на землю. Я не мог его убить! Он был человеком. Каждый из нас им был. | |
I raised myself on an elbow, jerked the knife up, suspending it while I looked for the junction of spine and neck that would be the best place to strike. If I was going to kill him (it), I would have to kill him (it!) now. In quick succession, like a series of slides, like a computer equation running, I got: D'kotta—the cadet—Mason—the null. It and him tumbled in selection. Came up him. I lowered the knife. I couldn't do it. He was human. Everybody was. |
правитьК. Маркеев, 1993 (с уточнениями)