Аластор, или Дух одиночества: различия между версиями

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They who, deluded by no generous error, instigated by no sacred thirst of doubtful knowledge, duped by no illustrious superstition, loving nothing on this earth, and cherishing no hopes beyond, yet keep aloof from sympathies with their kind, rejoicing neither in human joy nor mourning with human grief; these, and such as they, have their apportioned curse. They languish, because none feel with them their common nature. They are morally dead. They are neither friends, nor lovers, nor fathers, nor citizens of the world, nor benefactors of their country.|Комментарий=перевод В. Б. Микушевича|Автор=Предисловие}}
::Далее приведены ''одни и те же цитаты'' в двух переводах.
===Перевод [[Константин Бальмонт|К. Д. Бальмонта]], 1903===
{{Q|Подъятый бич грозы хлестал по морю.