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→‎Иные миры: вероятно, не трюизм
Строка 64:
{{Q|Атомная бомба за секунду до взрыва выглядит такой же безвредной, как и свалившееся дерево.|Оригинал=A-bomb at zero minus one second looks as harmless as a fallen log.|Автор=«К-фактор»}}
{{Q|— Скоби придумал роботов, которые даже не знали о существовании людей. <…>
{{Q|—Создал Тепревосходных, которыепростых придумали Скоби, оказались весьма удачныеумных. Доведены до совершенства.<…> Запрограммированы только на одно — делать себе подобных. Только и всего. Когда один робот завершал работу над изготовлением другого, он активировал магнитную копию мозга, записанную на стальную ленту, и новый робот принимался за себе подобного. Удивительно, до чего они оказались гибкими! Они были из чистого алюминия. Оставишь такой робот вблизи ангара, и через неделю из старых самолетов появлялись уже два робота. Да что там самолёты — им достаточно было простой консервной банки. Скоби додумался до того, что создал робота, который состоял из шестерёнок и работал на древесном угле. Они сожрали всё джунгли Амазонки и Конго. Они оказывались повсюду. В самых труднодоступных местах — там, где нормальный человек не может жить. Но Скоби было всё подвластно, потому что он сумасшедший. Первые роботы, изобретённые им, боялись света. Вот почему их сначала никто не заметил, а потом стало поздно. Когда люди поняли, что происходит, роботов было почти столько же, сколько и людей. Через несколько дней их стало больше, и это был конец света.|Оригинал="The ones that Scobie dropped were already built. Built fine, simple, and smart. Programmed with a steel tape brain. Programmed to do only one thing, and that was to build other robots just like themselves. And when a robot was finished building another robot he activated him with a magnetic copy of his own brain tape and the new robot went to work doing the same thing. Versatile those robots were. Some of them were made almost all out of aluminum, just dump one of them down in a warehouse of mothballed airplanes and within the week there would be two robots, ifthat maybe it could find an old tin can to make a steel tape out of. Scobiedidn't even had one kind that had mostly wooden gears and burned charcoal to run, and these did fine in the jungles of the Amazon and upper Congo. They were everywhere you could think of, and places you would never think of but Scobie did, because he was mad. And all of the first robots were made to be afraid of the light. So they scuttled around in the dark and no one ever saw them before it was too late. By the timeknow people realized what was going on there was almost as many robots as there were people. A few days later there were more robots than people and it was the end."|Комментарий=перевод: А. В. Новиков (под псевд. А. Волнов), 1994|Автор=«Как умер старый мир» (How the Old World Died), 1964}}<…>
Built fine, simple, and smart. <…> Programmed to do only one thing, and that was to build other robots just like themselves. And when a robot was finished building another robot he activated him with a magnetic copy of his own brain tape and the new robot went to work doing the same thing. Versatile those robots were. Some of them were made almost all out of aluminum, just dump one of them down in a warehouse of mothballed airplanes and within the week there would be two robots, if maybe it could find an old tin can to make a steel tape out of. Scobie even had one kind that had mostly wooden gears and burned charcoal to run, and these did fine in the jungles of the Amazon and upper Congo. They were everywhere you could think of, and places you would never think of but Scobie did, because he was mad. And all of the first robots were made to be afraid of the light. So they scuttled around in the dark and no one ever saw them before it was too late. By the time people realized what was going on there was almost as many robots as there were people. A few days later there were more robots than people and it was the end."|Комментарий=перевод: А. В. Новиков (под псевд. А. Волнов), 1994 (с незначительными уточнениями)|Автор=«Как умер старый мир» (How the Old World Died), 1964}}
===А это для психиатров===